HFAA.lu - Human Factor Academy Akatsi
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Human Factor Academy Akatsi Association

Human Factor Academy Akatsi

The Human Factor Academy Akatsi is a non profit organization that has as primary objective to fund schools in developing nations. The current project that we are working on is the Human Factor Leadership Academy in Akatsi, Ghana. The Human Factor Leadership Academy is committed to producing honest and compassionate leaders who will one day bring monumental change to the continent of Africa. We will develop a school that will not only educate, provide health care, and invest in Africa's youth but also give them the moral fabric to make a lasting difference.

The school is currently located at a newly refurbished and renovated 14,000 square foot facility in Akatsi, Ghana. The future home is just outside the city on our 100 acre parcel. Although our academy is in Ghana, the academy will serve as a learning institute for the entire continent of Africa.

The Human Factor Leadership Academy relies on the energy, talent, compassion and commitment of its volunteers and financial partners. We believe in Africa and we believe in its people; we will continue investing our resources to give the children hope for a better tomorrow.

{phocadownload view=file|id=1|text=Information: Ghana and the Akatsi district at a Glance}

{phocadownload view=file|id=8|text=IIHFD Newsletter - June 2015}{phocadownload view=file|id=7|text=IIHFD Newsletter - June 2014}{phocadownload view=file|id=6|text=IIHFD Newsletter - March 2014} {phocadownload view=file|id=5|text=IIHFD Newsletter - December 2013} {phocadownload view=file|id=4|text=IIHFD Newsletter - January/March 2013} {phocadownload view=file|id=2|text=IIHFD Newsletter - April/June 2012}{phocadownload view=file|id=3|text=IIHFD Newsletter - July/September 2012}

Top Quote

"L'asbl Human Factor Academy Akatsi a comme but de collectionner des dons afin de pouvoir financer une école à Akatsi.

Dans une deuxième phase, les frais de fonctionnement de l'école pourront être pris en charge, en partie ou entièrement, par l'association."


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